1. 七夕快乐! Happy Qixi Festival!
2. 情牵牛郎织女,爱在七夕相会。 Love binds the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, love meets on Qixi.
3. 七夕情人节,愿你我相守永远。 On Qixi Valentine's Day, may you and I stay together forever.
4. 星河满天,只为与你相见。 The Milky Way fills the sky, only to meet you.
5. 七夕之夜,愿我们的爱情永恒。 On the night of Qixi, may our love be eternal.
6. 七夕的祈愿,愿天下有情人终成眷属。 On Qixi, I wish all lovers in the world will finally be together.
7. 七夕的浪漫,让爱在心中绽放。 The romance of Qixi, let love bloom in the heart.
8. 在七夕的夜晚,让我们的爱情如繁星般闪耀。 On the night of Qixi, let our love shine like stars.
9. 七夕的祝福,愿你我幸福美满。 Qixi blessings, may you and I be happy and fulfilled.
10. 七夕的思念,化作一颗永不熄灭的星。 Qixi's longing, turns into an everlasting star.
标签: 七夕节说说心情短语